Period of Revelation
The incident of the shaqq-al-Qamar (splitting of the moon) that has been mentioned in it
determines its period of revelation precisely. The traditionists and commentators are
agreed that this incident took place at Mina in Makkah about five years before the Holy
Prophet's hijrato Madinah.Theme and Subject Matter
In this Sura the disbelievers of Makkah have been warned for their stubbornness which
they had adopted against the invitation of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of
Allah be upon him). The amazing and wonderful phenomenon of the splitting of the
Moon was a manifest sign of the truth that the Resurrection
of which the Holy Prophet was giving them the news
could take place and that it had approached near at hand. The great sphere of the
Moon had split into two distinct parts in front of their very eyes. The two parts had
separated and recedeed so much apart from each other that to the on-lookers one part
had appeared on one side of the mountain and the other on the other side of it. Then
in an instant the two had rejoined. This was a manifest proof of the truth that the system
of the Universe was neither eternal nor immortal
it could be disrupted. Huge stars and Planets could split asunder
collide with each other
and everything that had been depicted in the Quran In connection with the description
of the details of Resurrection
could happen. Not only this : it was also a portent that the disintegration of the system
of the Universe had begun and the time was near when Resurrection would take place.
The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) invited the people's
attention to this event only with this object in viwe and asked them to mark it and be a
witness to it. But the disbelievers described it as a magical illusion add persisted in their
denial. For this stubbornnnss they have been reproached in this Sura. At the outset it
has been said:"These people neither believe in the admonition
nor learn a lesson from history
nor affirm faith after witnessing manifest signs with their eyes. Now they would believe
only when Resurrection has taken place and they would be rushing out of their graves
towards the Summoner on that Day." Then
the stories of the people of Noah and of 'Ad and Thamud and of the peoples of Lot and
the Pharaoh have been related briefly and they have been reminded of the terrible
punishments that these nations suffered when they belied and disregarded the
warnings given by the Prophets of God. After the narration of each story the refrain that
has been provided is : "This Qur'an is an easy means of admonition
which if a nation takes to heart and thereby takes the Right Way
the torment that descended on the former nations could be avoided. But it would indeed
be a folly if instead of heeding the admonition through this easy means
one persisted in heedlessness and disbelieved until one was overtaken by the torment
itself." Likewise
after citing admonitary precedents from the history of the former nations
the disbelievers cf Makkah have been addressed and warned to this effect: "If you too
adopt the same attitude and conduct for which the other nations have already been
why will you not be punished for it?Are you in any way a superior people that you
should be treated differently from others? Or
have you received a deed of amnesty that you will not be punished for the crime for
which others have been punished?And if you feel elated at your great numbers
you will soon see that these very numbers of yours are put to rout (on the battlefield)
and on the Day of Resurrectioun you will be dealt with even more severely." In the end
the disbelievers have been told that Allah does not need to make lengthy preparations
to bring about Resurrection. No sooner does He give a simple command for it than it
will take place immediately. Like everything else the Universe and mankind also have a
destiny. According to this destiny everything happens at its own appointed time. It
cannot be so that whenever somebody gives a challenge
Resurrection is brought about in order to convince him. If you adopt rebellion because
you do not see it coming
you will only be adding to your own distress and misfortune. For your record which is
being prepared by Divine agents
has not left a
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