As all this was well kown in the time of the Holy Prophet's appointment to Prophethood
there was no need to mention them. That is why in the four brief sentences of this Sura
Quraishwere simply asked to consider:"When you yourselves acknowledge this House
(i. e. the Ka'bah) to be Allah's House
and not of the idols
and when you fully well know that it is Allah alone Who has granted you peace by virtue
of this House
made your trade and commerce flourish and saving you from destitution favoured you
with prosperity you should then worship and serve Him alone!"
Period of Revelation
Although Dahhak and Kalbi regard it as a Madani Sura
yet a great majority of the commentators are agreed that it is Makki
and a manifest evidence of this are the words Rabba hadh-al-Bait (Lord of this House)
of this Sura itself. Had it been revealed at Madinah
the words "this House" for the Ka'bahcould not be relevant. Moreover
its subject matter so closely relates to that of Sura Al-Filthat probably it was revealed
immediately after it
without any other Sura intervening between them. On the basis of this very relevance
some of the earliest scholars regard the two Suras as one entity. This view is
strengthened by the traditions which say that in the Quran copy belonging to Hadrat
Ubayy bin Ka'b these two were written as one Sura
i. e. without the insertion of the Bismillah between them. Furthermore
Hadrat Umar had once recited the two Suras as one in the Prayer. But this view is not
acceptable because in the Quran copy which Hadrat Uthman (may Allah bless him) had
got written down officially by the cooperation of a large number of the Companions and
sent to the centres of Islamic lands
the Bismillah was written between these two Suras
and since then these two have been written as separate Suras in all the copies of the
Quran everywhere in the world. Moreover
the style of the two Suras is so different that they manifestly appear as two separate
Suras.Historical Background
To understand the Sura well it is essential that one should keep the historical
background relevant to the contents of this Sura and of Sura Al-Filin view. The tribe of
Quraishwas scattered throughout Hijaz until the time of Qusayy bin Kilab
the ancestor of the Holy Prophet (upon whom be Allah's peace). First of all
Qusayy gathered it in Makkah and this tribe was able to gain authority over the Ka'bah.
On that very basis Qusayy was called mujammi (uniter
assembler) by his people. This man by his sagacity and wisdom founded a city state in
Makkah and made excellent arrangements for the welfare of the pilgrims coming from
all over Arabia
with the result that the Quraishwere able to gain great influence among the Arabian
tribes and lands. After Qusayy the offices of the state of Makkah were divided between
his sons
Abdi Manaf and Abd ad-Dar
but of the two Abdi Manaf gained greater fame even durng his father's lifetime and was
held in high esteem throughout Arabia. Abdi Manaf had four sons: Hashim
Abdi Shams
and Naufal. Of these Hashim
father of Abdul Muttalib and grandfather of the Holy Prophet
first conceived the idea to take part in the trade that passed between the eastern
countries and Syria and Egypt through Arabia
and also to purchase the necessities of life for the Arabians so that the tribes living by
the trade route bought these from them and the merchants living in the interior of the
country were attracted to the
market of Makkah. This was the time when the Sasanian kingdom of Iran had captured
the international trade that was carried out between the northern lands and the eastern
countries and Byzantine empire through the Persian Gulf. This had boosted up the
trade activity on the trade route leading from southern Arabia to Syria and Egypt along
the Red Sea coast. As against the other Arabian caravans
the Quraishhad the advantage that the tribes on the route held them in high esteem on
account off their being keepers of the Ka'bah. They stood indebted to them for the great
generosity with which the Quraishtreated them in the Hajj season. That is why tbe
Quraishfelt no fear that their caravans would be robbed or harmed any where on the
way. The tribes on the way did not even charge them the heavy transit taxes that they
demanded from the other caravans. Hashim taking advantage of this prepared the
trade scheme and made his three brothers partners in it. Thus
Hashim obtained trade privileges from the Ghassanide king of Syria
Abdi Shams from the Negus
Al-Muttalib from the Yamanite nobles and Naufal from the governments of Iraq and lran
and their trade began to flourish. That is how the four brothers became famous as
traders and began to be called ashab al-ilaf (generators of love and affection) on
account of their friendly relations with the tribes and states of the surrounding lands.
Because of their business relations with Syria
Yaman and Abyssinia
the Quraishcame across such opportunities and their direct contact with the culture and
civilization of different countries so enhanced the level of their knowledge and wisdom
that no tribe in Arabia could match and equal them. As regards wealth and worldly
goods they became the most affluent tribe
and Makkah became the most important commercial center of the Arabian peninsula.
Another great advantage that accured from these international relations was that they
brought from Iraq tile script which later was used for writin down the Quran. No other
Arabian tribe could boast of so many literate people as Quraish. For these very reasons
the Holy Prophet (upon whom be peace) said: "Quraishare the leaders of men."
(Mustiad Ahmad: Marwiyat Amr bin al As). And according to a tradition from Hadrat Ali
in Baihaqi
the Holy Prophet said: "First the leadership of the Arabians was in the hands of the
people of Himyar
then Allah withdrew it from them and gave it to Quraish" The Quraishwere thus
prospering and flourishing when the event
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